New games like diablo 3
New games like diablo 3

If you are used to playing Diablo III, it will look similar to Shadow: Awakening. He embarks on an adventurous journey, discovering treasures, riches, new weapons, among other options that the character will discover throughout his game. It has a humble handling in its only main character. In Dungeon Siege, as in Shadows: wake up some elements are separated from Diablo. In a new, more modern version, you can delve into mythological adventures, traveling with the Titans, different problems. Titan QuestĪlmost on the same level as Diablo II, Titan Quest deserves credit. It is intended for anyone who has played Diablo II, due to the difficulty levels it contains.

new games like diablo 3

It has, without doubt, the best construction of ARPG characters on the market. Path of Exile offers many levels of difficulty, skills and many variables in the elements of the game. It is listed as the successor of the first two Diablo games, exceeding the version of Diablo 3.

new games like diablo 3

First is Path of Exile, the game most similar to Diablo II.

New games like diablo 3